Health & Safety: The Parent Handbook


All our staff are first aid trained and we have a full time nurse on the premises. All children are vaccinated before joining the nursery as parents are asked to provide proof of their vaccination at the time of admission. Our nurse keeps accurate and detailed medical records of all the children in our care.

Security- While it is difficult to make the nursery site totally secure, we will do all we can to ensure that the nursery is a safe environment for the children to play and learn in and staff to work in. We review security measures regularly and conduct risk assessments at regular intervals.

      We teach the children about safety in order to equip them with the skills, knowledge and understanding that will enable them to live positive, successful and healthy lives. Fire drills are conducted at regular intervals. The nursery doors are locked and all visitors are made to record their entry and exit.

Health- We teach children to respect their bodies, and how to care for themselves. We discuss these issues with the children in circle times and show them ways to indulge in cooperative play safely.

       Our Nursery promotes a healthy lifestyle. This is reinforced through our supervision over home packed lunches brought into the Nursery to ensure they are of nutritional value. Food items such as chips, chocolates and fizzy drinks are strictly not allowed as the contents of our children’s lunch boxes.

International Hand Wash Day is one such activity organized by our staff who takes every opportunity to educate children in this regard.


Applying for Admission: What You’ll Need